CD Rescue:…/
CD Rescue:…/
apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 7D8D0BF6
Comandos práticos: Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticDomainControllers DC1.XXXX.COM.BR,DC2.XXXX.COM.BR Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticGlobalCatalogs GC1.XXXX.COM.BR,GC2.XXXX.COM.BR Caso queira excluir algum servidor segue comando abaixo: Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticExcludedDomainControllers DC.XXXX.COM.BR
Posted by Krishna – MVP on March 20, 2009 If you have build a new Domain controller for the exchange environment and you wanted your exchange servers to user this domain controllers then below command can help is setting the same. You can also statically exclude not to use specific domain controller with the command $Exchserver…