CD Rescue:…/
CD Rescue:…/
Comandos práticos: Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticDomainControllers DC1.XXXX.COM.BR,DC2.XXXX.COM.BR Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticGlobalCatalogs GC1.XXXX.COM.BR,GC2.XXXX.COM.BR Caso queira excluir algum servidor segue comando abaixo: Set-ExchangeServer “SERVIDOR” -StaticExcludedDomainControllers DC.XXXX.COM.BR
Posted by Krishna – MVP on March 20, 2009 If you have build a new Domain controller for the exchange environment and you wanted your exchange servers to user this domain controllers then below command can help is setting the same. You can also statically exclude not to use specific domain controller with the command $Exchserver…
Source: by MIKE PFEIFFER on APRIL 1, 2011 Looking for a quick way to see how many users are currently connected to each of your Client Access Servers? This might be useful if you want to get a rough idea on load distribution, or when you’re getting ready to drain stop a server in a CAS array prior…
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation DWORD value named Manual to 1.
cd /etc/apt sed -i -e ‘s/\|’ /etc/apt/sources.list
Source: I’ve just made it through a pretty nasty problem with Office. I had been running the beta version, and had updated it to the RTM version available on MSDN. Yesterday I got a message saying that it was going to expire in 2 days. I tried changing my product key, but it wouldn’t accept…
Source: Manual removal of Office 365 or 2013 If you prefer full control over the process, you can try and remove Office manually from the PC. There are two ways to uninstall Office manually. Microsoft recommends the first option for Office Home and Student 2013, Office Home and Business 2013, Office 365 Home Premium Preview, or…
Source: Back in the day when we bought OS X on discs, as long as you kept that disc, you always had a bootable installer just in case. Modern, downloadable versions of OS X create a recovery partition on your drive, but it’s always a smart idea to make your own bootable installer drive too. I recommend…
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e “s/$1/$2/g” $3 $1 = String original $2 = String nova $3 = Nove do arquivo Exemplo: /etc/apt# /usr/bin/perl -p -i -e “s/br.archive/old-releases/g” sources.list